Micros FAQ

NOTE: This page only applies to the Micro 2700 POS system.

Here we hope we can answer some of the many questions we receive at the office in the hopes of not only educating but helping you save some time and money.

01. Should I turn off my Micros terminals at night?
NO. Do not turn off any POS equipment at night.

02. Should I clean the touchscreen and operator display?
YES. Use a regular non-bleach glass cleaner and be very careful. NEVER spray any liquid on the screen itself, spray the cleaner on the clothe, then wipe off the screen. ALWAYS wipe the screen with a dry clothe when done cleaning.

03. Can I put the kitchen printer in the dishwasher?
NO. This will ruin the printer. Clean the printer off with a non-bleach household cleaner. Use a scrubbing pad for tough stains. ALWAYS wipe the printer off with a dry clothe when done cleaning.

04. What should I do during a power outage?
We suggest you unplug the power cables from the wall outlets and wait until power is restored. Wait a few minutes after power has been restored before you start plugging equipment back in. Most power damage occurs when power comes back on. After you have everything plugged back in sign onto any terminal and verify the terminals are all communicating. You do that by checking the “comms status” and making sure all terminals are “active”.

Keyboard/Touchscreen users:
– Sign on with a Mgr #
– Press [MGR FUNCTIONS], press [2] (Procedures)
– Press [12] (change system unit comms status)
– Press [1] repeatedly until all terminals are “active” and then save changes, (holding down [SHIFT] and pressing the [DOUBLE ZERO] button will save changes)

If the terminal returns to the Mgr Procedure screen it means that the terminal was successful communicating to the other terminals, you can now press clear and sign off.

05. After a power outage one of my terminals will not power on, what can I do?
Always verify that there is indeed power to the outlet that the Micros terminal is plugged into, don’t assume there is power. If the outlet does have power but your Micros terminal doesn’t power up and you have verified that by turning it on and off then call Team Howard for service. There is a good chance that the power supply in the terminal is damaged it will not power up.

06. One of my terminals is displaying “Failure Communicating with Terminal #2”, what does that mean?
Terminal #2 is no longer communicating with the other terminals. General troubleshooting techniques should begin.
– Sign on a Mgr #, use Mgr procedure #12 to set all terminals to active and save changes, continue to next steps if this does not fix it
– Perform a “SYSTEM RESET” at terminal #2
– Disconnect and reconnect all communication cables
– Use Mgr Procedure #12 to check comms status

If the above steps do not fix the communication condition;
– Perform a “SYSTEM RESET” at all terminals
– Disconnect and reconnect all communication cables
– Use Mgr Procedure #12 to check comms status

If the above steps do not fix the communication condition;
– Use Mgr Procedure #12 to set the terminal in question “inactive” and call Team Howard for service. By setting a terminal inactive you remove it from the network. If that terminal happens to have the CIB board installed in it, you may lose comms to the kitchen printers as many Micros configurations are using a CIB board as the gateway to the kitchen printers, or any remote devices for that matter IE: video displays, bar printers, salad printers etc.

07. When using the Micros terminal the display shows “AUTHORIZATION, ENTER ID NUMBER”, what does that indicate?
The function(s) that you are attempting is Mgr privileged and requires that you input a valid Mgr # when prompted OR perform the function(s) with the Mgr signed on rather than the server or bartender.

08. The Micros terminals are displaying “No Response from Controller”, what does that indicate?
The Micros terminal(s) can not communicate with the CIB board or with the terminal where the CIB resides. You are experiencing a communication problem(s), use the troubleshooting techniques described above to resolve

09. The upper screen looks like it has two screens, can I fix that?
YES. Use/print the “Video Reset” procedure described in our “Micros Support” area.

10. The cash drawer is not opening, what should I do?
Use the cash drawer key to manually open the cash drawer as needed while troubleshooting, you also may consider removing the cash till entirely while you troubleshoot the problem.
NEVER plug a cash drawer in while the Micros terminal is powered on.
Check to be sure the cash drawer is plugged into the terminal. There are two cash drawer ports on the back side of the terminal. They are round and located closest to the power switch, the port closest to the power switch is cash drawer #1, and other is cash drawer #2. If you find the cash drawer is unplugged, power off the Micros terminal, plug the cable into the proper port (#1 or #2) and then power on the terminal. Perform a NO SALE to check the drawer. If the above steps do not fix the cash drawer condition;

Put the Micros terminal into DIAGNOSTICS to check the cash drawer function.
– Insert MGR key and turn clockwise
– Power off terminal
– While holding down [ENTER], power on the terminal
You are now in diagnostics.
– Move cursor to “OUTPUT” and press [ENTER]
– Move cursor to “CASH DRAWER” and press [ENTER]
– Select CASH DRAWER 1 by pressing [ENTER]

Did the cash drawer open? If it did, perform a “System Reset” to exit diagnostics

If the cash drawer did not open, did you hear a click? If there is no click then it is most likely that the cash drawer fuse is blown. The click you should hear is the cash drawer selonoid firing. Unfortunately the fuse is a soldered fuse on the motherboard of the Micros terminal. Call Team Howard for service if you do not hear a click

If you do hear a click but the drawer does not open you may have one of two conditions; the first condition may be that the cash till (the till holds the money) inside the cash drawer may have stuff underneath it making it sit higher than normal, so high that the till catches the cash drawer itself and will not allow it to open. If this is the case you just need to remove the stuff under the till. If you can’t find a cash drawer key however you may need to try to open the drawer with butter knives. Simutaneously insert two butter knives (or very flat objects) at the “upper” opposite corners of the cash drawer and slowly slide them towards eachother (the middle). Quite often the knives will catch the top of the till and force it down, opening the cash drawer in the process.

The 2nd condition is the drawer selonoid is broken apart and not functioning, if you are a natural DIY’r you could attempt to remove the drawer bottom and replace the “plastic/rubber” clip on the selonoid that has broken. We replace the plastic/rubber clip with a metal clip which will last much longer. A thick metal hanger could be cut to length, approx 1” and then bent into shape for this purpose. Once the selonoid clip is replaced, you can carefully re-assemble the drawer and test it.

11. Will the Micros 2700 automatically update the time for daylight savings?
No. You must manually adjust the date and time.

12. How do I change the date and time on the Micros 2700?
Keyboard users:
1. Sign on Mgr
2. Press [Mgr Functions] button
3. Index [2] for Procedures
4. Index [14] for Set Date and Time
5. Index correct date MM/DD/YY
6. Index correct time (Military Time)
7. Confirm and update other terminals by pressing [2]

Touchscreen users: (can also use steps above)
1. Sign on Mgr
3. Press Set/Edit Date and Time
4. Index correct date MM/DD/YY
5. Index correct time (Military Time)
6. Confirm and update other terminals by pressing [2]

13. The employees have been training on the Micros 2700 and ringing up lots of sales, can I reset all totals before we open our doors?
Yes. Bear in mind however that if you have “Time Clock” totals that you need, print out all labor reports before resetting or clearing “all totals” because once they are gone… they are gone forever. Use the steps outlined for the question “How do I clear/erase “all totals” on the Micros 2700?”

14. How do I clear/erase the guest check file on the Micros 2700?
Be aware that once you clear the guest check file it is permanently erased from that terminal. This procedure only erases the guest check file in the terminal you perform this function at, other terminals are not affected. If necessary, repeat this procedure at all terminals on the system. Be careful, this procedure does not print any information, it only deletes it.
1. Sign on Mgr
2. While holding down [SHIFT], press the [ENTER] button
(the operator displays shows 1-Systems Reports, 2-System Configurator)
Index the following
[2] – System Configurator
[4] – Utilities
[3] – Clear
[2] – Guest Check Totals
[2] – Yes

15. How do I clear/erase “all totals” on the Micros 2700?
Be aware that once you clear all sales totals, they are permanently erased from that terminal. This procedure only erases sales totals in the terminal you perform this function at, other terminals are not affected. If necessary, repeat this procedure at all terminals on the system. Be careful, this procedure does not print any information, it only deletes it.
1. Sign on Mgr
2. While holding down [SHIFT], press the [ENTER] button
(the operator displays shows 1-Systems Reports, 2-System Configurator)
Index the following
[2] – System Configurator
[4] – Utilities
[3] – Clear
[1] – All Totals
[2] – Yes

16. How do I clear/erase all time clock information on the Micros 2700?
Be aware that once you clear all time clock totals, they are permanently erased from that terminal. This procedure only erases time clock totals in the terminal you perform this function at, other terminals are not affected. If necessary, repeat this procedure at all terminals on the system. Be careful, this procedure does not print any information, it only deletes it.
1. Sign on Mgr
2. While holding down [SHIFT], press the [ENTER] button
(the operator displays shows 1-Systems Reports, 2-System Configurator)
Index the following
[2] – System Configurator
[4] – Utilities
[3] – Clear
[1] – Time Clock Totals
[2] – Yes

17. The Micros 2700 terminal displays “failure reading time clock detail”, what does that mean?
That means trouble. The time clock file has become corrupted in one of the Micros terminals. Watch the screen during the time clock report, see if you can determine which employee number it is on when the error comes up. Sometimes if you can determine the employee # it is hanging up on you can manually take the labor reports and skip that employee. If that is successful, you can then “clear/erase” the time clock files in all terminals and start fresh. See next Question.

18. How do I manually take a labor report (time clock totals) for one or a range of employees?
Use steps below:
1. Sign on Mgr
2. While holding down [SHIFT], press the [ENTER] button
(the operator displays shows 1-Systems Reports, 2-System Configurator)
Index the following
[1] – System Reports
[1] – Single Report
[10] – Employee Labor Detail
[2] Range

Index the beginning employee # and press the [ENTER] button.
Index the ending employee # and press the [ENTER] button. IE: for one employee #4, press 4 – ENTER, 4 – ENTER
IE: for a range of employees from #8 to #20 press 8 – ENTER, 20 – ENTER

The Micros 2700 terminal will now take you thru a few steps (questions) that you must answer. Don’t worry, use common sense. Don’t press the [ENTER] button after making a selection as you will skip the next question, just press the appropriate # (answer) for each question. The possible answers appear in the upper right corner of the operator display.

Question Hints;
Period 1- Current
2- To Date
Most likely #2 “To Date”

Reset 1 – No
2 – Yes
Use #1 “No”, if successful you can “reset” totals when all is said and done but don’t take a chance of resetting totals w/o printing them first.

Print/Display 1 – Print
2 – Display
Use #1 “Print”, always print time clock totals. Choosing #2 “display” is only suggested for single or small ranges of employees.

19. How can I stop something from printing?
Hold down the [SHIFT] key, while holding it down press the [0] “single zero” key to cancel any print job.

20. How can I broadcast the entire menu item file to all of the terminals in my system?
Sign on a Manager
While holding down [SHIFT], press the [ENTER] key (Top screen displays 1-System Reports, 2-System Configurator) Index 2-1-2-2-3-2, press [ENTER] Twice, Press [2] for yes (the terminal will now show the menu items being broadcast to all terminals) NOTE: Visit and print out our “Quick Steps” cheat sheet.

21. Is there a safe way to interrupt a file broadcast I began by mistake?
Yes. Perform a “System Reset” NOTE: Visit and print out our “System Reset” cheat sheet.

22. The thermal printer is advancing paper but there is nothing printed on it?
Check the paper, most likely the wrong paper is in the printer, it must be thermal paper to work properly.

23. The upper screen is hard to read, is there any way to adjust it?
Yes. If your database was designed by Team Howard, then it is most likely you have screen adjustment keys on your “Special Function” screen in the upper right corner, go there to adjust


You can use Diagnostics. Learn how to enter “Diagnostics” here. Use the buttons in the upper right corner (Touchscreen) to adjust the upper screen or follow the prompts under output button for Keyboard users..

24. How do I assign a magnetic card to an employee?
Follow steps outlined
1. Sign on a Manager
Depending on how your database was set up, you may have any combination or all 3 of the following choices.
2. Press [Edit Empl File] or Press [Procedures] or Press [Mgr Functions]
Use whichever options you are accustomed to when accessing the employee file.
3. Index the employee # that is getting a card and press [ENTER]. (if you don’t know the #, you can find it on any printed checks, server reports etc. plus you could print out an employee list (Mgr Procedure #2) and see it there as well).
4. Press [Line Down] twice.
5. Your cursor is now on the employee ID# field (if not, use your navigation buttons to move the cursor to the employee ID# field). When the cursor is on the ID# field, swipe the magnetic card. Be sure, mag stripe is facing up and towards the right side of the reader. Remember, the reader will read the card on the way out, insert the card all the way and remove. The employee # should now appear in the ID# field and the cursor will move to the next field. Press [Save Changes]. All other terminals on the network will be updated automatically. Press the clear button to back out of the edit employee procedure.

25. My cash drawer connected to my micros won’t open, what should I do?
First things first, there is a small gray cord that could easily be mistaken as a phone cord that should be plugged into the the back of the cash drawer. If you find that this cord is no longer plugged in, make sure you turn the Micros unit off before plugging in. Not doing so there is a small chance that the fuse that controls the drawer on the Micros’ board will short because of it. After plugging the cord back in, turn the Micros unit back on and test to make sure it’s working properly.

26. How do I print out a list of current employees in my Micros?
Follow steps outlined
1. Sign on a Manager
Depending on how your database was set up, you may have any combination or all 3 of the following choices.
2. Press [Print Empl File] or Press [Procedures] or Press [Mgr Functions]
You have to choose Mgr Procedure #2, how you get to Mgr procedure #2 it may vary, Team Howard databases tend to have this button on the Mgr screen or Procedures screen. On all databases however, you can press [Mgr Functions], Press #2 for Procedures, Index #2 (Print employee list) and press [ENTER]. If you want the entire list, press [ENTER] twice to except the defaults of lowest to highest. If you want a range of employees, then indicate so by indexing for IE: 10 [ENTER] 30 [ENTER].
Note: only employees with ID #’s will print on the list, if the ID# is all zero’s, the employee will not appear on this list.

27. How do I use the training mode?
The Micros 2700 uses a training mode that is set up by individual server. In other words, you put a server in training, you do NOT put the 2700 terminal in training. This is convenient because “live” servers on the floor can continue to use the 2700 terminal for actual sales while another server (who is in training mode) can use the same terminal for training sales (practice). The following steps assume you have a touchscreen model and the database was written by Team Howard.
Sign on a valid Manager #
Tap Procedures
Tap Training Status
The Micros will prompt for a Server ID #
Index the proper Server # and press ENTER
Select either;
[0] Not in Training
[1] Training
Press Save Changes or while holding down SHIFT press the [00] (Double zero) key
Press CLEAR to Exit
Micros 2700 Keyboard users, use Manager Procedure #3 (Change Employee Training Status)

NOTES: when a server is in the training mode;
1. Sales that are rung up do not count, only the training total (server/system balance report) will increment
2. The cash drawer will not open
3. The remote printers do not print dupes
4. All Guest Checks that are printed while in training mode will indicate such at the top of the Guest Check. Typically appears as follows;
This “Training Header” should prevent a server from ringing sales while in training and presenting the Guest Check to an actual customer for payment.

All Guest Checks opened while in training MUST be paid off while in training.
Do not forget to take the Server out of training mode. Repeat above steps, just choose [0] Not in Training on Step #6

28. How do I adjust the date and time on the Micros 2700?
Touchscreen Models
1. Sign on a Mgr
2. Press Procedures
3. Press {Edit Date and Time) terminology may vary
4. Index the correct date, Index the correct time (Military time)
5. Press the #2 key to broadcast to other POS terminals
Keyboard or Touchscreen Models
1. Sign on a Mgr
2. Press Manager Functions button (terminology may vary)
3. Press #2 (Procedures)
4. Press 14 (Edit Date and Time)
5. Index the correct date, Index the correct time (Military time)
6. Press the #2 key to broadcast to other POS terminals

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