Digital Dining Version 7.3.05
Transactions for all receipt types can now be sent to the Property Mgmt System (PMS).
The Texas Digital Price Confirmation System is Now Supported
All Orders Table Access Method
The Register Definition table access method now includes All Orders. This will cause all open orders in the entire restaurant to appear. This was added for managers to easily access any open check.
The Register Definition table access method now includes All Orders.
This will cause all open orders in the entire restaurant to appear. This was added for managers to easily access any open check.
Administrative Programs (such as Back Office) can be set to shut down after a certain number of minutes
This prevents the problems created when operators open multiple copies of Back Office programs.
Canadian Debit is Now Supported!
We give the Canadians credit for having the nerve to have a different debit system than the U.S.
New Table Caption in Table Management
Minutes in Use is now available as a Table Caption in addition to the current five captions.
Transfer From Waitlist Check Option
This allows a staff member such as the bartender to transfer a customer from the waitlist to an open tab. IE: a customer on the waitlist might have a drink in the bar and then decide to stay in the bar. The bartender can search the waitlist by name and assign the customer to the tab. This then “seats” the customer and removes them from the waitlist. This was added to enhance the whole process of customers waiting in the bar area for their tables.
Change Staff Department Register Option
Now a staff member that is changing staff departments during their shift can use the Change Staff Department Register option to change to the new department. This eliminates the need for the staff member to clock out and clock back in to the new department.
Print Staff Checks Register Options
This allows a staff member such as a server to print all is or her checks. There is an option to print all open checks or all open checks not yet printed. This was added “in part” to address problems associated when the restaurant has a power outage, battery backups have a short time span to provide power, servers can now print all their guest checks with fewer key strokes.
Charges Treated as Tips
Charges can now be treated as tips for all POS and back office reports. This allows a tip to be added to the check just as a charge and still be treated as a tip.
Enter Tips Register Option
Tips can easily be added to closed checks that have no tips if they were paid with a receipt type that uses the Tip or Expected Tip mode such as a credit card. This allows staff members such as bartenders or servers to close checks paid with credit cards by using the Pay button rather than the Verify button. The Enter Tips register option will display buttons for all checks (non-cash) that were closed without a tip or the check number can be manually entered. Each check button can be tapped and the amount of the tip entered. This can greatly increase speed in a busy environment.
Tip Sharing Register Option
This allows a staff member such as a server to share a portion of his or her tips with other staff members such as bartenders or bussers.
Three methods available: Enter Tip Amount, Enter % of Total Tip, and Enter Tip as Sales %
An include/exclude box in the Setup area of the program allows the restaurant to choose which of the methods (any or all) they wish to use. This is used for the staff member to share tips from his or her entire shift. The staff member can declare cash tips during this function.
Team Service Register Option
This allows a staff member such as a server to split tips with other team members for any closed check that had a service team. This is on an individual check basis and can be used for large parties in the dining room that had a server team, for a banquet with a server team all adding items to the check, or for a fixed price banquet that used a server team though there was a single entry to the check by one server.
There are five methods available: Split Tip Evenly, Split Tip by Sales %, Enter Tip Amount, Enter % of Total Tip, and Enter Tip as Sales %
An include/exclude box in the Setup area of the program allows the restaurant to choose which of the methods (any or all) they wish to use. There is also an option for a Split Evenly default. This will also split the sales by staff members that matches the spit of the tips. For example if a $100 tip on a check for $500 is split equally among three servers the $500 sale will also be split evenly in the back office reporting. The cash tip for a check can be declared and then split.
Print CD Slip Register Option
This allows the credit card slip for any closed or open check of the day to be printed. It prompts for the last four digits of the credit card. This was added so that lost or unaccounted for credit card slips can be easily reproduced.
Pizza Matrix Pricing Grid
This prices a pizza based on the number of toppings. Toppings can have a “multiplier”. For example shrimp might have a multiplier of two so that it counts as two toppings for pricing
All modifier windows must be Pick and Choose. Partial toppings (halves and quarters) are supported. Only one PLU is needed for each topping making menu building significantly easier and quicker. Multiple Pick and Choose defaults can be selected under one Modifier Window for specialty pizzas such as Supreme, Meat Lovers, Vegetarian, or Hawaiian.
Computer Based Training
Self running tutorials are available for back office functions (A/R, Menu, Staff, and Reports
At the POS self running help is available for basic POS functions, Register Types, and Register Options. These are self-running tutorials for training new staff members on POS functions.
Clock-Out with Fingerprint ID
When the fingerprint ID is required for clocking in it is also required for clocking out.
Filter Waitlist Button
The POS Waitlist screen has a Filter Waitlist button that will filter customers on the waitlist by Reservations Present, Reservations Not Present, and Waitlist. Any one or any combination may be selected.
Frequent Dining/Reservations Integration
When a frequent dining customer makes a reservation the POS automatically associates the check with the customer record. If the customer has information in their POS Messages tab the information appears in the Notes section of the reservation.
Reservation Summary Screen in the Host Terminal
In the Find Reservation screen there is a Summary button that will summarize the reservations for an entire day. The Display Panel will displays the number of reserved tables for each time with the number of covers and the name. The summary can be printed on the 40-column printer.
Manual Override of Default Table Turn Time
When making a reservation the default table turn time can be overridden with a manual entry
For example for a reservation for 8 people a turn time of 90 minutes could be entered to override the 60 minute default time. The table is then blocked for 90 minutes.
PC Charge Credit Card Service is Supported
Mercury Gift Card is Supported
American Express Direct
Direct IP processing for American Express is now available!
This eliminates the processing fee for handling American Express cards charged by the restaurant’s credit card processor. Faster settlement for American Express transactions as well.
Previous Card Button No Longer Authorizes for Full Amount of the Check
The Previous Card button now only authorizes for the incremental difference between the amount of the check and the amount previously authorized.
Open Table Reservation System (
Open Table is now supported. Digital Dining sends a message to Open Table each time a table’s status is changed. The Table Management module is required.
Older Versions
DD 7.3.04
• When the system using data redundancy switches from using both Primary and Backup data to using only one data set, an email notification is sent.
• We have added an interface to the Long Range Systems pager system for use with the wait list.
Back Office Program
• Adjusted daily files are now reprocessed and sent via a new package to HQ.
• We have added automated credit card batch retry.
• The menu item recipe report now includes costs.
• We have added the ability to transfer tips to other employees.
• You can now remove the tip from the server’s charged tips by reopening a check that was closed with a PMS payment.
• We now include restaurant commissions on the receipt data sources in general reports.
• Deleted checks and their numbers can now be tracked.
Setup Program
• Discounts, Charges, and Tips now have default windows in which all records are included.
• You can set a default customer search method in the Register Definition Maintenance window.
• In the Check Option “Order by PLU”, we have added a field for designating “Create Your Own” menu items.
• We have added a feature that assigns seating priorities and name modes.
Point-of-Sale Program
• Digital Dining now has a Reservations program. (Click HERE for details)
• We have added the new token @{Input_Alpha}.
• We have added the new token @{Input_Numeric}.
• Digital Dining now gives you the option of selling gift cards (50 or 100) at one time without processing each card separately.
• Now, any modifiers that have an upsize or downsize are resized along with the main item.
• We now treat gift cards more like credit cards, including storing card information in the credit card daily file and printing a verification slip.
• The host alarm for customer wait time no longer exceeds expected wait time.
• We have added a button that shows table status information.
• You can now use the waitlist functionality in training mode.
• We have added a new prep token called “Ingredients”. This token gives a consolidated summary of the ingredients used by all the items on the prep ticket.
• We have added a security setting to restrict the reopening of another person’s check if both the server and cashier associated with the check have clocked out.
• We have added a feature to allow the host to override the estimated wait time for a specific customer.
• We have excluded tables, rooms, and areas from the wait list.
• We have added flexibility to the Time Price Check options. You can now select any particular time priced item on the check.
• We have added a new register option called “Filter Check Selection”. This register option controls filtering of which checks get loaded into the Selection panel.
• Digital Dining now allows receipts other than those verified by PMS to flow to the PMS system.
• We have added check tokens that list the nutrition of items on a check.
• On the POS, the user will be able to choose between the item out list, and the contest.
• When “Voiding” an item off a check, whose quantity is a whole number greater than 1, we provide the user the opportunity to correct the quantity.
• You are able to overwrite default area codes for delivery customers.
• We have added a blank line between the delivery driver names that display on driver display list in the delivery assign register.
• You can now alert other staff members when you transfer one of their new checks.
• We have created an overtime report, accessible from the POS, detailing all staff clocked in over xx hours for a pay period.
• You can capture credit card information at the POS and attach it to a check without dialing out for approval, using the new card swipe feature.
• We have added a check option that prints the time each item was ordered on the tab check.
• When showing checks in the Selection panel, a different button color is used for checks that belong to a different server other than the one currently logged in.
• Checks that are freed or reopened are now shown in their original stations.
• We have added a new POS setting for handling verifications, “Preverify During Payment”.
• We have added a new Tip Mode for receipts “Prompt”. When a receipt is defined with this mode, the user will be prompted for the tip mode they would like to use when they select a receipt.
• We have created a new “Table Access” method called “All Orders”. This allows you to create registers to view all open orders.
• We have created a staff department security check called “Share POS Station”. This security check is triggered when a staff member logs into a POS station that another staff has been using.
• The Pay Charge Tips function has been simplified to require less information for the Cashier to pay out the Server’s tips.
Inventory Program
• You can import a Sysco item list into Digital Dining.
• We have set up a database of bar codes that match up with inventory items.
• When doing a stock take using the hand held, the user can now scan a bar code to select an inventory item.
• We have created a utility to delete Hand Held Stock Take transactions.
• The Primary Location Switch for Inventory Reports is similar in functionality to the Primary Vendor switch. The reports filter by primary location just as they filter by primary vendor.
• We have added a feature that tracks nutrition information for menu items and ingredients.
• We can now generate an inventory order export to Sysco.
• We have added a new grid to the “Inventory Item Maintenance” form showing all the menu items using a specific inventory item as an ingredient.
Multi-store Programs
• Headquarters personnel can print reports regarding update packages sent to stores
• You can now suspend large data changes from HQ for smaller, immediate changes.
• We have made the Gift Card sale layout user definable.
• We have added an “Auto Connect” flag to the message queue for Multi-store gift cards.
• Digital Dining Multi-store requests updates to HQ with store information changes.
• We have improved the masking of gift card numbers.
• Emergency data changes from HQ can be applied immediately.
Credit Card Server Program
• We now support high-speed verifications through Paymentech, for credit cards and gift cards.
• We have improved credit card number security.
• You can now use multiple credit card processors for the same site.